
THE CATALYSTS - autumn goes everywhere

THE CATALYSTS - autumn goes everywhere

Otra buena banda de Glasgow ( y ya van unas cuantas). Y con esto uno ya puede hacerse una idea de su sonido (la sombra de TFC es alargada...). Su lider es Ulric Kennedy que estuvo en la banda de sarah records, Golden Down. Tienen dos eps. Aquí está su referencia en myspace:

After leaving The Mixers (Wha-am Records) and before joining The Golden Dawn (Sarah Records), Ulric Kennedy began recording as The Catalysts.
As songwriter and only constant in the ever-changing band line-up, The Catalysts represents Ulric's musical vision, drawing unapologetically on his formative influences.
Recent EP releases Autumn Everywhere (Cloudberry) and Long Distance (Spirophone), demonstrate the perrennial 12-string jangle at the heart of the band's sound while exploring a broader pallette ranging from neo-psychedelia through mellow acoustic introspection to Ramones-style punk thrash and shoegaze.
Live, The Catalysts are in a permanent state of flux, ranging from occasional appearances with full band line-up to electric or acoustic solo sets by Ulric.

"autumn goes everywhere":


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